Release history

Check out all the Supersonic release history below. For info about up & coming features, check out (& submit) our feature requests.


  • Support for global entries search

  • Show helpful message if search indexes are missing


  • Add palette actions to swap the currently active site

  • Add palette actions for blueprints

  • Use localised strings, not always EN

  • Clicking outside the modal closes it


  • Initial public release

Your vote

Why do we need this?

In order to avoid spam voting we require all votes to be confirmed by email. Once you've entered your email once, it will be stored in your browser and used for subsequent votes without you having to re-enter it. We will send an email for you to confirm each vote you make, and your vote will not be counted until confirmed.

We will not use your email for any other purpose.

Thanks for your vote!

Check your email to verify your vote.

You can carry on voting for other features in the meantime.