Installing the project
Installing Supersonic is easy, just require it using composer:
composer require ademti-apps/supersonic
Once it's installed, you're good to go. Checkout our how to use guide to get the best from Supersonic.
Set up search indexes
So that Supersonic can search your content efficiently you'll need to configure two search indexes by adding the following to config/statamic/search.php
in your project:
'supersonic_entries' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'searchables' => 'collection:*',
'fields' => ['title'],
'supersonic_terms' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'searchables' => 'taxonomy:*',
'fields' => ['title'],
If you want to search on fields other than title, feel free to adjust the fields property of your indexes.
Unlocking all features
The base installation unlocks the basic features, but to unlock the full power of the add-on you'll need to purchase a Pro license from the Statamic Marketplace.